Regolamento Unchained

Oggetti Magici, Malattie, Veleni

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    The Lord of Time


    Per comodità di riferimento, riporto il regolamento introdotto da Pathfinder Unchained.

    Oggetti Magici

    Veleni e Malattie

    Edited by Tirro - 29/9/2015, 13:01

    The Lord of Time


    Oggetti Magici
    L'introduzione più discussa (!) introduce i Bonus Innati: vengono rimossi i bonus più classici e desiderati dai PG, incorporandoli in ogni oggetto di quella categoria. Questo però avviene con un forte aumento del costo di tutti gli oggetti magici.
    Questo sistema vuole da un lato aumentare la variabilità nelle scelte dei PG (che ora dovranno acquistare oggetti diversi dai soliti mantelli della resistenza +5 o le armature +5) e dall'altro, cosa più importante, inserire un freno allo strapotere dei PG che Pathfinder realizza con una soglia di ricchezza / livello troppo alta (se la cosa vi consola, prima che leggessi questo sistema era in cantiere un nerf alla ricchezza / livello).


    Oggetti Meravigliosi
    Sono rimossi gli Amuleti dell'Armatura Naturale, i Mantelli della Resistenza e gli oggetti che danno solo bonus alle caratteristiche.
    Gli Amuleti dei Pugni Potenti ed i Bracciali dell'Armatura sono ora considerati (rispettivamente) Armi e Armature (quindi non occupano più slot da Oggetti Meravigliosi) e ne seguono le regole (il che significa, tra l'altro, che possono arrivare ad un +10 complessivo).
    Gli slot oggetti magici della Fascia e della Cintura sono rimossi. Le fasce entreranno nello slot Testa e la cintura nello slot Corpo.
    A questo punto, cercate il Prezzo Iniziale (Starting Price nelle tabelle) degli oggetti presenti sui vari manuali e applicate le relative voci delle tabelle.




    Sono rimossi gli Anelli della Protezione.
    Quando un PG acquista un anello (o quando il DM ne fa trovare uno) si deve decidere se quell'anello incorpora o no il bonus di deviazione alla CA. Questa eccezione al sistema è giustificata dal fatto che due anelli non cumulerebbero i bonus alla CA che darebbero, quindi è inutile "obbligare" un PG ad avere bonus ridondanti.
    Per il resto, come sopra.


    Armi e Armature
    Sono rimossi i bonus +X alle armi e alle armature.
    Le armi e le armature hanno solo i bonus "speciali" (affilata, fiammeggiante, della fortificazione ecc) e hanno un bonus di potenziamento innato pari al totale dei bonus speciali accumulati (esempio: affilata equivale a un bonus +1, quindi una spada affilata è anche automaticamente +1; una spada affilata (+1) sacra (+2) è anche automaticamente una spada +3 per determinare il bonus a colpire e danni).
    Per determinare il nuovo prezzo, si deve moltiplicare per 4 il prezzo che il bonus dell'arma o dell'armatura avrebbe avuto nel sistema originale (esempio: la spada affilata e sacra equivale a un +3 come detto sopra; nel vecchio sistema un'arma +3 costava 18000 mo, quindi nel nuovo sistema costerà 18000*4= 72000 mo).

    The Lord of Time


    Veleni e Malattie

    Questo sistema vuole aggiungere un minimo di tensione quando si viene avvelenati o si contrae una malattia.
    Anzichè ricevere danni alle caratteristiche, ora veleni e malattie hanno degli Stadi progressivi che, avanzando, conducono il PG alla morte.

    Come di norma, il PG contrae il veleno o la malattia fallendo il tiro salvezza iniziale.
    Con una cadenza descritta dalla singola afflizione, il PG deve effettuare il tiro salvezza: un fallimento comporta l'avanzamento ad uno Stadio peggiore.
    Gli Stadi sono cumulativi.

    Per le malattie, quando il PG supera i tiri salvezza indicati alla voce Cura della malattia, avanza verso uno Stadio migliore. Quando raggiunge lo Stadio Sano, è guarito.
    Per i veleni, quando il PG supera i tiri salvezza indicati alla voce Cura del veleno, rimuove il veleno dal proprio corpo e non potrà più peggiorare, ma i malus già cumulati rimangono.

    In entrambi i casi, una giornata di totale riposo (o due se passate a compiere attività faticose) permettono di migliorare di uno Stadio. Si recuperano due Stadi con una prova di Guarire superata.

    Neutralizza Veleno e Rimuovi Malattia rimuovono le rispettive afflizioni e Guarigione le rimuove entrambe. Si ricordi che i malus del veleno già accumulati rimangono (tranne nel caso di utilizzo di Guarigione o Ristorare o effetti più potenti).

    Le malattie si dividono ora tra Fisiche e Mentali, e per ogni categoria è prevista una catena di Stadi progressivi.

    Physical Disease Track


    Latent/Carrier: A character in this stage has the disease, and may pass it on if contagious, but suffers no ill effects.

    Weakened: A character weakened by a physical disease suffers all the effects of the sickened and fatigued conditions.

    Impaired: A character impaired by a physical disease also suffers the effects of the exhausted condition. Whenever he takes a standard action, he must succeed at a Fortitude save at the same DC as the disease's DC or lose the action and gain the nauseated condition for 1 minute.

    Disabled: A character disabled by a physical disease gains the disabled condition. If he takes a standard action, his hit points drop by 1 or to –1, whichever is worse.

    Bedridden: A character rendered bedridden by a physical disease is awake and can converse, but he can't stand on his own or take any standard or move actions.

    Comatose: A character rendered comatose by physical disease is unconscious and feverish. He can't be woken by any means as long as he remains in this state on the disease track.

    Dead: The disease overcomes the body's immune system, and the character dies. The corpse may be still be contagious, and some diseases may have unusual effects after the character dies.

    Mental Disease Track


    Latent/Carrier: A character in the latent stage has the disease, and may pass it on if contagious, but suffers no ill effects.

    Weakened: A character weakened by a mental disease suffers all the effects of the shaken condition. The DCs of her spells and spell-like abilities decrease by 2. If she is a spellcaster, she can no longer cast her highest level of spells.

    Impaired: A character impaired by a mental disease no longer adds her mental ability score modifiers to the number of uses per day of pools (such as an arcane pool or a ki pool), abilities (such as channel and lay on hands), and bonus spells per day. Her DCs decrease by an additional 2. If she is a spellcaster, she can no longer cast her 2 highest levels of spells.

    Befuddled: A character befuddled by a mental disease is losing her grasp on thought, reality, and self. She has a 50% chance each round to take no relevant action, instead babbling randomly, wandering off, or talking to unseen things.

    Deranged: A character rendered deranged by a mental disease is almost entirely disconnected from reality. Her mind filters and twists all external stimuli into strange forms.

    Comatose: A character rendered comatose by a mental disease has lost all grip on reality and entered an inner world of dreams. She can't be woken by any means as long as she remains in this state on the disease track.

    Dead: The disease has harmed the character's brain beyond repair, killing her. The corpse may still be contagious, and some diseases may have unusual effects after the character dies.

    I veleni hanno una catena di Stadi per ogni caratteristica del PG: Forza, Destrezza, Costituzione, Intelligenza e Carisma.
    Se si subisce lo stesso veleno più volte, questo peggiora gli Stadi accumulati e aumenta la durata complessiva del veleno del 50%, ma NON ne aumenta più la CD.
    Quando un PG effettua il tiro salvezza iniziale contro il veleno, indipendentemente dal risultato, subisce comunque danni da veleno ai pf pari alla CD del veleno - 10 / 2 (esempio: l'esposizione ad un veleno con CD 30 comporta danni ai pf pari a 10).

    Strength Poison Track


    Weakened: A character weakened by Strength poison suffers a –2 penalty on Strength-based attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Her carrying capacity is divided by 3. She is always considered to be carrying at least a medium load.

    Impaired: A character impaired by Strength poison experiences rapid muscle atrophy. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the affected Strength-based rolls, and is always considered to be carrying at least a heavy load.

    Staggered: A character staggered by Strength poison is so weakened that she suffers the effects of the staggered condition (except she can take a full-round action if it is purely mental).

    Immobile: A character rendered immobile by Strength poison cannot move her body at all. She is helpless and can take only purely mental actions.

    Dead: All the character's muscles cease functioning, including the heart.

    Dexterity Poison Track


    Sluggish: A character rendered sluggish by Dexterity poison has dulled reactions. He takes a –2 penalty on Reflex saves and all Dexterity-based attack rolls, ability checks, and skill checks, as well as to AC.

    Stiffened: A character stiffened by Dexterity poison feels numb and stiff. He is considered flat-footed and is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC, even if he has uncanny dodge. He can't make attacks of opportunity.

    Staggered: A character staggered by Dexterity poison is so slowed and stiffened that he gains all the effects of the staggered condition (except that he can take a full-round action if it is purely mental).

    Immobile: A character rendered immobile by Dexterity poison cannot move his body at all. He is helpless and can take only purely mental actions.

    Dead: The character's body becomes completely incapable of movement and dies.

    Constitution Poison Track


    Weakened: A character whose health is weakened by Constitution poison takes a –2 penalty on all Fortitude saves and Constitution checks. Every time she attempts a Fortitude save against the poison, whether she succeeds or fails, she takes damage as on initial exposure.

    Impaired: A character impaired by Constitution poison takes an additional –2 penalty on the above checks.

    Disabled: A character disabled by Constitution poison gains the disabled condition. If she takes a standard action, her hit points drop by 1 or to –1, whichever is worse.

    Unconscious: A character rendered unconscious by Constitution poison enters a state of shock and can't be woken by any means as long as she remains in this state.

    Dead: The character's immune system is ravaged by the poison, and she expires.

    Intelligence Poison Track


    Weakened: A character whose reason is weakened by Intelligence poison takes a –2 penalty on all Intelligence-based skill checks and ability checks. A character with spellcasting based on Intelligence decreases his DCs by 2 and can no longer cast his highest level of spells.

    Impaired: A character impaired by Intelligence poison does not add his Intelligence bonus to the number of uses per day of pools and abilities (such as an arcane pool) and does not gain bonus spells per day from his Intelligence. He takes an additional –2 penalty on the above Intelligence-based rolls. An Intelligence-based caster reduces his DCs by an additional 2, and he can no longer cast his 2 highest levels of spells.

    Animalistic: A character rendered animalistic by Intelligence poison suffers the same effects as from a feeblemind spell, except his Charisma and Charisma-based skills are unaffected.

    Comatose: A character rendered comatose by Intelligence poison is no longer able to process thoughts. He cannot be woken by any means as long as he remains in this state.

    Dead: The character's brain stops functioning, and he dies.

    Wisdom Poison Track


    Weakened: A character whose awareness is weakened by Wisdom poison takes a –2 penalty on all Wisdom-based skill checks and ability checks, as well as on Will saves. A character with spellcasting based on Wisdom decreases her DCs by 2 and can no longer cast her highest level of spells.

    Impaired: A character impaired by Wisdom poison does not add her Wisdom bonus to the number of uses per day of pools and abilities (such as a ki pool) and does not gain bonus spells per day from her Wisdom. She takes an additional –2 penalty on the above Wisdom-based rolls. A Wisdom-based caster reduces her DCs by an additional 2, and can no longer cast her 2 highest levels of spells.

    Confused: A character who's confused by Wisdom poison has difficulty processing reality and is dangerous to herself and others. Each round, she rolls on the chart from the confusion spell to determine her actions.

    Comatose: A character rendered comatose by Wisdom poison is no longer able to experience reality or receive sensory information. She can't be woken by any means as long as she remains in this state.

    Dead: Forever lost in her own inner reality, the character's brain stops working, and she dies.

    Charisma Poison Track


    Weakened: A character whose sense of self is weakened by Charisma poison takes a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks and ability checks. A character with spellcasting based on Charisma decreases his DCs by 2 and can no longer cast his highest level of spells.

    Impaired: A character impaired by Charisma poison doesn't add his Charisma bonus to the number of uses per day of pools and abilities (such as lay on hands) and doesn't gain bonus spells per day from his Charisma. He takes an additional –2 penalty on the above Charisma-based rolls. A Charisma-based caster reduces his DCs by an additional 2, and can no longer cast his 2 highest levels of spells.

    Pliable: A character rendered pliable by Charisma poison has little sense of self and will go along with nearly anything. Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks automatically succeed against a pliable character, except Diplomacy checks to improve a pliable character's attitude, which have the normal DC. This still does not allow characters to whom the pliable character is unfriendly or hostile to make requests of the pliable character using Diplomacy.

    Catatonic: A character rendered catatonic by Charisma poison can see, hear, and process his environment, but has lost all agency and can't interact with the world in any way.

    Dead: The character loses even autonomic functions, and dies.

    Esempi di malattie e veleni (su Unchained altri ancora), ci si rimette comunque all'inventiva del DM per modificare gli Stadi:

    Blinding Sickness
    Type disease, ingested; Save Fortitude DC 16
    Track physical; Frequency 1/day
    Effect At the impaired state, also become permanently blind
    Cure 2 consecutive saves

    Bubonic Plague
    Type disease, injury or inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 17
    Track physical; Frequency 1/day
    Cure 2 consecutive saves

    Cackle Fever
    Type disease, inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 16
    Track mental; Frequency 1/day
    Cure 2 consecutive saves

    Mummy Rot
    Type disease, injury; Save Fortitude DC 16
    Tracks physical and mental (special); Frequency 1/day
    Effect No latent/carrier state; victim suffers all penalties from progressing on both the physical and mental disease tracks
    Cure remove curse and remove disease within 1 minute of each other

    Black Lotus Extract
    Type poison, contact; Save Fortitude DC 20
    Track Constitution (special); Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
    Effect Healthy—Weakened—Disabled—Dead
    Cure 2 consecutive saves

    Blue Whinnis
    Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 14
    Track Constitution (special); Frequency 1/round for 2 rounds
    Effect Healthy—Weakened—Unconscious; no end state
    Cure 1 save

    Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude DC 20
    Track Constitution; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
    Cure 2 consecutive saves

    Edited by Tirro - 10/9/2019, 11:24
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